/* Google analytics tracking code */ Milwaukee Karaoke: Downtown Harrison

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Downtown Harrison

I know this isn't exactly karaoke, but I gotta put a plug in for my buddy Downtown Harrison.

He puts on a great show. He has a great voice and impersonates a lot of singers: Sinatra, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond, James Brown, and Tina Turner. Yes. Tina Turner. When he does Rollin on the River with the blonde wig and the shiny dress, it's hard to tell the two apart. The one thing that will leave you amazed is the level of energy that the man puts into his shows. James Brown is no longer the hardest working man in show biz. Just incredible.

Have I got your attention?

Here is his upcoming schedule that I copied from his website:
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Downtown Harrison
Downtown Harrison

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1 comment:

  1. yes i will talk to him tonight thanks love your friend of downtown harrison.


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