/* Google analytics tracking code */ Milwaukee Karaoke: Review of karaoke at Gridiron

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Review of karaoke at Gridiron

I went to the GridIron last Friday and overall, I'd say the place has potential. It's a nice, big, clean space. Small screen for the singer on a little corner stage, big dance floor and projection screen of lyrics for the audience. You can sit on all 4 sides of the bar, there are nice pool tables.

...But the patronage was a bit lacking, meaning the largest number of people while I was there was 9. Including the bartender. And the KJ. Granted, it was Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people go out of town or to parties/other festivities. The KJ even mentioned shutting down early because of the lack of crowds, which makes me assume it's normally at least a little busier than it was. I don't mind a small crowd because it just means more singing, which I like.

The major downfall, however (and it's enough of a downfall that I probably won't return), is the karaoke tracks. The selection was pretty decent, but I don't think ANY of the tracks were Sound Choice (none the whole evening I was there at least). I don't mean to be a snob, but it makes a big difference. One of the songs I sang was consistently 2-5 beats off with the word cues. Had I not known the song, it would have been brutal.

I also felt like the KJ was a little bit over-eager. Really friendly guy, but I don't need you to walk up to the bar and wait for me to fill out my slip so I can personally hand it to you without getting up. Overall, I'd say I really wanted to like it...but it just didn't pass my test. The search continues.

Review submitted 6/1/2011 by Lauralen

--- comments from the Revelator ----
For the complete listings of karaoke in the area, check out Milwaukee Karaoke Scene.

Just in case you were wondering about the KJ at the Gridiron, he is Roy "Mr. Roboto". He has something of a following in the area. Here is a link to an interview with him.

Roy was also interviewed by Milwaukee Magazine for an article about karaoke. And, just in case you're wondering, the John Seymour who is quoted in the article is yours truly, John the Revelator Seymour.

Still not convinced that Roy is a celebrity? Here is a video of him singing at Booleggers before I KJed there. And he is on Flickr as well!

You got to hand it to a guy who has found a hobby that he enjoys.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the Gridiron just this last Friday and noitest they had a new Karaoke guy by the name of Bogus Bill Karaoke and I got to tell ya this guy was really good too! Also I just wanted to comment on the last post he has a lot of sound choice too! Mark


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